Smoke Chamber Repair

Smoke Chamber Repair By Sootaway Professionals

Smoke Chamber Repair

The Smoke chamber repair is one of the most overlooked areas in a chimney system. They’re not overlooked because no one knows about them, they are ignored because they’re too hard to work on. They are the toughest area of a chimney to get to. This isn’t good news for homeowners in need. Companies sometimes fail to follow a proper chimney cleaning procedure. They’ll often skim past the repair and tell the homeowner everything looks good. The smoke chamber is the hottest area in a chimney system and where a lot of chimney fires start. Bricks and mortar provide no insulating factor and break down when exposed to heat over a period of time.

The technicians at SootAway know exactly how important the repair is. We concentrate on getting this area clean, and we inspect it twice!

Call SootAway at 1-877-888-1279 or contact us online!