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Enjoy A More Convenient Fire Without Sacrificing Authenticity

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The Beauty and Simplicity of Gas Logs


Gas logs are a favorite because they provide the ambiance of a dancing and flickering fire at the touch of the button. This means you can enjoy a fire any night of the year, regardless of temperature. With today’s gas log sets, heat and flame control is at your fingertips — so whether you’re taking off the chill or just trying to chill, gas logs are the answer.

Here at SootAway, we’re proud to sell and install R.H. Peterson gas logs, which are known as the industry’s best logs in terms of beauty and authenticity. Whether you’re shopping for a contemporary fire with a glass fire bed or you want your logs and fire to be as close to the real thing as possible, R.H. Peterson has just what you need — and we’ll provide the expert installation.

We also have everything you need to keep your gas logs clean and looking and working like new. We’re pleased to offer Rutland products, which include glowing embers, silica sand, and lava rock to keep your fire bed looking great and gas log soot remover to keep the logs themselves clean and looking great.

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For More On Gas Logs Or To Request An Appointment, Give Us A Call!


Lose the cleanup and enjoy a fire effortlessly with gas logs. Call SootAway at 1-877-888-1279 or request an appointment here today — we’re happy to answer any questions you may have about gas logs and help you with your decision.

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Have Questions? Ask SootAway!

We want to be a resource for you so you can enjoy a safer, more energy-efficient home, and we believe that customer education goes a long way. Whether you have questions about what wood to burn, how to troubleshoot smoke issues, or which products work best to keep chimneys leak-free, just give us a call 1-877-888-1279.

Call Us Or Reach Out Online — We’re Here To Help

If you have any questions about our services or you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, give us a call at 1-877-888-1279 or request an appointment here. We’re here to help in any way we can!
