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Sootaway Can Do Your Smoke Chamber Repair

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Repair Your Smoke Chamber


Are you overdue for a smoke chamber repair ? Your smoke chamber could be behind the issue. The smoke chamber is the portion of the chimney that funnels smoke from the firebox to the chimney flue. When it’s poorly designed or damaged it slows the movement of smoke and prevent it from exiting the home. Not only that, but it can allow heat to transfer to nearby framing and walls.

These are some of the products we use for smoke chamber restoration:

  • Chamber-Tech 2000 — Chamber-Tech 2000 is a refractory mortar that’s used to repair and insulate smoke chambers. Chamber-Tech 2000 insulates, smooths, and reshapes the smoke chamber for better flow.
  • Smoketite Smoke Shield — Smoketite is a ceramic product that provides a heat, acid, vapor, and moisture resistant, smooth surface for damaged smoke chambers. Like Chamber-Tech 2000, Smoketite works to smooth and insulate smoke chambers, and bring them up to code. 

Whether you’re experiencing smoke problems or an inspection has revealed a damaged smoke chamber, SootAway can take care of it. Give us a call at 877-888-1279 or request an appointment through our website and we’ll restore your smoke chamber for a safer, more enjoyable fireside experience.

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